Thursday, September 13, 2012


One software development best-practice is that the first thing you do on a project is set up Continuous Integration or CI.

The idea is that every time a developer commits any code, all components of the project are built and "integrated" together, tests are run, and any failures are reported. As a result, if I make a change to one part of the project that happens to break a different part, I am notified within minutes, so I can fix it ASAP, before it inconveniences the other developers.

So, on this project we were slightly behind in getting this set up, but we're moving on it now:

Expect to see an automatically-updated demo server soon. It will initially be very boring, since the point is to do CI set up before you have any actual functionality. :-)

PS- As a dev-ops note, when you configure Bamboo to use maven on Ubuntu 12.04, you should set the path to "/usr/share/maven", and not to "/usr", because while both of these have the maven executable at the relative path of "bin/mvn", only the first is the proper maven home directory.

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